Location: El Pueblo Restaurant, 9705 Main St, Lamont
Our monthly first Saturday ride. Keeping it a little close to home, we are going to Lamont for lunch.Mary is our lead. Meeting at 9:45a, KSU at 10:00a.
Our monthly First Friday Fish Ride. For February, Bill is keeping us in town. Meeting at 9:45a, KSU at 10:00a.
Sunday Fun Run
Sunday Fun Run
Starts: 9:00 am
Location: The Rock Inn, 17539 Elizabeth Lake Rd, Lake Hughes
We make the trip to the world famous Rock Inn at least once a year. Randy has picked the Sunday Fun Run to make the journey in 2025. Meeting at 8:45a, KSU at 9:00a. (100 miles) H-D Ride Plan: https://bhog.link/RidePlan20250209
Bike Night
Bike Night
Starts: 6:00 pm
Location: Pour House Bar and Grill, 4041 Fruitvale Ave, Bakersfield
Our monthly Bike Night, where you choose the route and we join up for dinner. We will follow the rules of the restaurant for seating. No points for early arrivals. Amy is our host.
LOH Meeting/Gathering (No Meeting)
LOH Meeting/Gathering (No Meeting)
Starts: 6:30 pm
Location: N/A
Ladies it's Valentines Day. We hope you get to spend time with someone special. There is no meeting in February - next meeting is March 14th.
Whiskey Flats Ride
Whiskey Flats Ride
Starts: 7:00 am
Location: Kernville
Bruce's annual Whiskey Flats Day ride. He is leading the group up EARLY to watch the parade. After the parade a group will head back for the Open House. This is an early departure so come appropriately prepared. Meeting at Starbucks - 35171 7th Standard Rd - 6:45a, KSU at 7:00a.
Harley-Davidson has several nation-wide dealer events planned for this year. This is the first - Ride Into 2025 is the theme. The LOH will also be having a Bake Sales during the event - 9:00a. Sweets for donations. Available until they are gone. Sign up for Bake Sale: https://bhog.link/BakeSale20250215. Volunteers needed for the H-D event. If you can help, sign up at: https://bhog.link/Signup
Monthly meeting to plan upcoming rides and event. Also discussed, chapter business. All member are welcome, officers expected.
LOH Ride
LOH Ride
Starts: 10:00 am
Location: Tin City, 450 Marquita Ave, Paso Robles
Once a month the ladies take charge and lead the group to where they want to go. For February Michelle is taking us to Paso. Remember - Ladies up front, guys in the back. Meeting at 9:45a, KSU at 10:00a.
Monthly HOG Meeting
Monthly HOG Meeting
Starts: 6:30 pm
Location: Speakeasy Bar and Grill at 1933 Event Center, 7900 Downing Ave, Bakersfield
HOG Members Meeting. Come see what exciting things happened last month and what's coming up. Dinner at 6:30pm - Meeting at 7:00pm. Dinner is off the menu so get there early to get your order in.
Closed Ride: A HOG sponsored and organized ride limited to active local HOG members in good standing. A limited number of guests are permitted but all guests must sign proper release forms.
Open Ride: A HOG sponsored and organized ride open to both HOG members and non-members. All participants must sign proper release forms.
Escort Ride: Non-HOG rides which are open to all participants and which provide support to members and new inductees in the Armed Forces. HOG provides information on the dates, times and locations of these rides as an accommodation to members interested in participating. HOG does not organize or conduct the Escort Rides.
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